Our statement mission

We are a family run zero waste shop to promote sustainable living.  We want to show our customers that shopping locally at affordable prices is possible. Our mission is to cut on single use plastic and packaging in general as well as food waste. We know it is not entirely possible, however we need to start somewhere. Our prices are set per 100g and therefore it doesn't matter how little or how much you buy, you will still benefit from our set prices.  We want to do our bit for our local community and environment and therefore our food is packaging free and we would like to encourage our customers to bring their own containers and food bags.

Step 1

First you need to weight your empty container. It doesn't matter what kind of container it is. Whatever you find at home that is clean to prevent from cross contaminating. Pop your sticker on.

Step 2

Find the product you want and fill your container as little as you need or as much as you want. 

Step 3

Once you are done with your selected product, take it back to the scale and scan the first sticker and pop your container on the scale. This will take the weight of your container off, ready to calculate the actual amount you've picked. 

Step 4

Now, you are ready to pay. Or repete the whole process again. It is up to you. 

Shop in the store


Shop in person in our spacious store located at the Chelmsford Bus Station.

Drop off and pick up

In a rush? Does this look like it requires a lot of effort? No problem. Drop your containers off with your shopping list and we'll do the hard work for you. Pick it up when convenient for you.


                                                         As we only recently opened, our main focus is on customers in the store. We may introduce our online shop in the future. 

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